
March 14, 2020 COVID-19 & Return-to-Learn

SCCSD Closed Starting March 16 for at least 4 weeks

Microscopic view of Coronavirus, a pathogen that attacks the respiratory tract. Analysis and test, experimentation. Sars
Microscopic view of Coronavirus, a pathogen that attacks the respiratory tract. Analysis and test, experimentation. Sars. 3d render

SCCSD Closed Starting March 16 for at least 4 weeks

We continue to be committed to the safety and well-being of our students and staff. With the recognition of the Iowa Governor’s recommendation to close school for the next four weeks, and after continuing to closely monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic over the weekend, the Sioux City Community School District is canceling school effective immediately.  There will be no school starting Monday, March 16, and we will be closed for a period of at least four weeks. The buildings will be open from 8:00-10:00 am on March 16, if anyone wants to come in and collect any personal belongings.  Future communication about the start of school will be sent at a later date after we have continued to monitor this evolving pandemic. Thank you.

Seguimos comprometidos con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes y personal. Con el reconocimiento de la recomendación del Gobernador de Iowa de cerrar la escuela durante las próximas cuatro semanas, y después de seguir monitoreando de cerca la rápida evolución de la pandemia COVID-19 durante el fin de semana, el Distrito Escolar Comunitario de Sioux City está cancelando la escuela de manera inmediata. No habrá clases a partir del lunes 16 de marzo y estaremos cerrados por un período de al menos cuatro semanas. Los edificios estarán abiertos de 8: 00-10: 00 el 16 de marzo, si alguien quiere entrar y recoger sus pertenencias personales. La comunicación futura sobre el comienzo de la escuela se enviará en una fecha posterior después de que hayamos seguido monitoreando esta pandemia en evolución. Gracias.